The University of Eswatini has 8 faculties with over 60 programmes you could chose from.
Faculty of Agriculture:
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extention
- Bachelor of Science in Agronomy
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Science(Dairy)
- Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
Faculty of Commerce :
- Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Commerce in Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing
Faculty of Consumer Sciences :
- Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science Education
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Texttiles Apparel Design and Management
Faculty of Education :
- Certificate in Adult Education
- Post-Graduate Certificate in Education(PGCE)
- Diploma in Adult Education
- Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Faculty of Health Science :
- Bachelor of Nursing Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Occupational Satefy and Health
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Water Resources
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health and Food Science
- Bachelor of Science in Community Health Nursing with Midwifery
- Bachelor of Science in Community Health Nursing with Community Mental Health Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing Science(Midwifery)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing Science(Mental Health)
Faculty of Humanities :
- Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
Faculty of Science and Engineering :
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Social Sciences :
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Science(BASS)
- Bachelor of Laws(LLB)
- Bachelor of Social Work(BSW)